

Mat Keel is a critical political ecologist, sculptor, and curator. He is trained in Anthropology and Geography and is an ABD PhD candidate at Louisiana State University. He holds a BA from U-Mass Amherst and an MA from UCLA. His current research proposes the viability of non-representational ethnography and focuses on plantation afterlives and their quotidian reproduction. With his wife Liz Lessner, he co-founded Yes We Cannibal, a project space for new art and thought in Baton Rouge in 2020.

PhD Candidate, Geography and Anthropology
227 Howe-Russell-Kniffen Geoscience Complex, Louisiana State University / | 240-595-9421 

Advisors: Helen Regis (chair), Chris Barrett (English), Sarah Franzen


PhD, Anthropology   Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge exp. early 2025
Doctoral Research, Geography University of Bristol, UK 2015-6  
MA, Geography University of California, Los Angeles 2015     
BA, Geography University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Awards and Fellowships 

  • Everett Award, Baton Rouge Arts Council 2024
  • La Baldi Fellowship 2022
  • Louisiana Project Grant 2022
  • Monroe Fellowship 2022
  • American Ethnological Society Small Grants 2021
  • Graduate Assistantship, Ethics Institute, Louisiana State University 2019-2021
  • Graduate Assistantship, Anthropology and Geography, Louisiana State University 2019-2021
  • Alumni Award, University of Bristol   2015-2016  

Peer-Reviewed Publications 

  • “Yes We Cannibal Panel Discussion: Reading, Unearthing and Eating Anthropocentrism with Cesar and LOIS” (with Liz Lessner) Anthropology of Consciousness, 2022
  • “Listen Liberal, another world is actual: Whiteness and political ontology in the psychedelic renaissance” Anthropology of Consciousness, 2022

Book Reviews

  • “Book Review: A World of Many Worlds by Marisol de la Cadena and Mario Blaser “AAG Review of Books 9(2) 2021 
  • “Book Review: The Political Sublime by Michael J Shapiro” AAG Review of Books (7)1 2019

Other Publications

  • “On Freak Space, the Risk of the Subject and the Deferral of Philip Guston” (with Liz Lessner as Yes We Cannibal) REFUSE: A Journal of Iconoclasms 1(1) 2021 
  • “Foraging Wild Mushrooms” (as Yes We Cannibal) Earthbound Almanac 2021

Select Work Experience  

  • Co-Founder and Co-Director Yes We Cannibal, Baton Rouge, LA 2020-2024
          Prolific experimental space for new art and thought
  • Assistant to the Editor AAG Review of Books 2019-20  

Selected Invited Lectures 

  • “Triggering the Plantation Unconscious / Against Psychedelic Liberalism” Cultivate Rockville, MD. 2021 
  • “Horizontal Responses to the Opioid Epidemic” La Terre Institute. New Orleans, LA.  2018 
  • “Life to Death, Flower to Needle, Afghanistan to West Virginia: Contemporary and Historical Geographies of the Opioid Epidemic” Shepherd University Shepherdstown, WV. 2018

Selected Conference Presentations 

  • “Hegel and Viveiros de Castro” RGS-IBG 2022, Presenter
  • “More-than-Earth: Mutiny Ecologies.” World Ecology Research Network. Online, 2021. Organizer and Presenter.
  • “Hard Time in the Garden of Eden: Agency and Original Sin in the Gnostic Anthropocene.” Consciousness Reframed. Porto, Portugal. 2018. Presenter.
  • “The Post-Ferguson Police State.” Organizer, AAG. Chicago, IL 2015. Organizer.

Selected Workshops

  • Decolonizing Knowledge / Power: Postcolonial Studies, Decolonial Horizons. Barcelona. 2016 
  • Decolonizing the Anthropocene. Kings College, London. 2015  

Academic Work Experience

  • Instructor of Record, LSU Anthropology and Geography 2020  
  • Teaching Assistant, LSU Anthropology and Geography 2019-2021 
  • Adjunct Instructor Shepherd University, Geography and Sociology 2018 
  • Teaching Assistant, Bristol University (UK) Geographical Sciences   2015-6